I came to work in Mannum in 1999 with my wife and then two children (now expanded to 5). I began working initially as a GP registrar, and went on to complete my training soon after in the year 2000. I have post graduate qualifications in Obstetrics and Paediatrics and find these aspects of rural practice very rewarding.
Recently completing a Certificate in Emergency Medicine I hope to pass on this information through training and teaching other Doctors in the Medical Centre and Medical Students.
I have enjoyed working with registrars and medical students and am very supportive in continuing the strong teaching aspect to this medical practice. Being involved in the formation of a local men’s group and involvement in youth work has made my experience in general practice more fulfilling.
Other activities I have been involved in include working as the local representative for the Murray Mallee General Practice Network and Regional Mental Health Strategies. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family, having a hit of tennis and squash when I can, being involved in the Catholic church or just relaxing with friends.