If you have an emergency please call 000

0ver 65 year old flu vaccines appointments now available

MyMedicare is a new initiative from the Australian Government, for more information on how it works and affects you go to https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/mymedicare

Online appointments


Emergency Help

Our doctors provide 24/7 emergency services to Mannum District Hospital


Care Plans

Our nursing team will work with you and your doctor to coordinate the best Care Plan for your Chronic Disease


Medical Treatment

Mannum Medical offers a range of treatment options

Latest News  

New Medical Centre Update

progress! 12th April we had the slab poured. 31st May all the external walls were put up. They are currently...

New Medical Centre

Like all building at the moment we have had delays. We can advise that all council approvals have been received...

New Medical Centre Survey

With the new build hopefully commencing mid 2023, we would like the community to give some feedback on their priorities...



Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm

Call 08 8569 0222 for an appointment



Public Holidays

Please note: Mannum Medical Centre Doctors are available after hours through the Mannum District Hospital as Private Practitioners.


A personally controlled eHealth Record (PCEHR) is a secure online summary of your health information.

You control what goes into it, and who is allowed to access it. Your eHealth record allows you and your doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers to view and share your health information to provide you with the best possible care.

eHealth Registration