If you have an emergency please call 000
PLEASE – If you have any cold or flu type symptoms, complete a RAT test and call before presenting to the clinic. Wear a mask for the safety of everyone.

MyMedicare is a new initiative from the Australian Government, for more information on how it works and affects you go to https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/mymedicare
Emergency Help
Our doctors provide 24/7 emergency services to Mannum District Hospital
Care Plans
Our nursing team will work with you and your doctor to coordinate the best Care Plan for your Chronic Disease
Medical Treatment
Mannum Medical offers a range of treatment options
Our Doctors
Dr Matthew Hunt
Dr Matthew Hunt joins Mannum Medical in February 2024 after a stint with us as an intern in 2022.
Dr Sze Phin Nick Then
Dr Nick Then completed his Registrar training with Mannum Medical in 2016 gaining his fellowship in 2017. He moved his family to Adelaide and began consulting in Adelaide. Then in 2019 we sent out a...
Dr Fatemeh Pourmehr
Dr Fatemeh has come to us from overseas and is keen to expand on her skills in Australia.
Dr Nipuni Wanigasekara
Dr Wanigasekara is a GP Registrar who joined Mannum Medical in February 2022. Nipuni has had extensive medical training in the UK prior to coming to Australia.
Dr Valli N Subramanian
Dr Valli is a qualified medical practitioner and a mother of 2 who moved to Australia in 2010. She has completed her MBBS and has attained her fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General...
Dr. Myrtle Stibbe
Dr Myrtle Stibbe is back consulting face to face in Mannum on Mondays, Karoonda every Friday and alternate Wednesdays. She is also taking on a role at Headspace in Murray Bridge by offering consults to...
Jason Walters
Jason is a very experienced Nurse Practitioner with many years experience in the Riverland and previously Karoonda areas.
Dr. Hamoudi Aldyni
Hamoudi started with us as a Registrar in 2008 then joined the practice, he and his family have now settled in Mannum.
Dr. Sonia Schutz
I have lived and worked in Mannum for over 20 years. I am married with 3 kids aged 18 to 11. I love being a GP and having the opportunity to provide complete and holistic, cradle to grave medicine. I particularly enjoy aged care and palliative care. I have many complex chronic disease patients and find emergency work challenging but rewarding.
Dr. Stephen Napoli
Obstetrics and Paediatrics
Latest News
New Medical Centre Update
progress! 12th April we had the slab poured. 31st May all the external walls were put up. They are currently...
New Medical Centre
Like all building at the moment we have had delays. We can advise that all council approvals have been received...
New Medical Centre Survey
With the new build hopefully commencing mid 2023, we would like the community to give some feedback on their priorities...
Both public and private Podiatrists attend the Medical Centre.
Both public and private Physiotherapists are available, they consult at the Lester Howie clinic. Private physiotherapy is booked direct with Rosalie Story and the Public physiotherapist is booked via Country Health Connect.
Childhood Immunisation
Childhood Immunisation can be booked with any of our doctors who are assisted by a clinic nurse to ensure your child is kept up-to-date with their required immunisations.
SA Pathology Collection Centre
Specimens are collected daily by a SA Pathology nurse. Between 8:30am and 12:30pm at the Medical Centre.
Chronic Disease Management
Our Care Plan Clinic nurses and your Doctor can tailor a plan to assist with care for people with a chronic medical condition. They may be able to get Medicare benefits to cover allied health services...
Mental Health Services
Mannum Medical can arrange a Mental Health Care Plan which you can then use to book with a Mental Health Social worker/Psychologist or Psychiatrist of your choice. We currently have the services of Jason Sargent...
Hypertension & Asthma
For those investigating blood pressure issues or breathing issues, an appointment with our trained nurse to fit a 24hour blood pressure monitor or have a breathing test can be arranged. Speak with your Doctor first...